Overcoming Objection-“I’m To Busy!”

Hey There,

There is another great objection handling tip that you can use to get passed the “i’m to busy!” objection.

We talked before that you have to expect objection, especially when you are talking to someone about joining your business, but how do you handle the comment “I’m to busy?” the best way is to give you an example:

when you are talking to your prospect and they say they are to busy you can say something like:

“With everyone everything that you have going on that you just told me about work, school, kids, etc I know how it feels. I was working 16 hour days when I got started in this business, I really have to give credit to my sponsor, he/she helped me map out a schedule so that I can at least have 2 meetings a week.  Mostly everyone who starts in this business start off part-time, but the extra money that comes in really makes a huge difference.”


Make sure you explain some time saving tips or any time saving information your company has to offer. maybe your company has training on DVD or training is done online. Whatever time saving information you can share with your prospects will really help them see how they can have time to work their business. If they come up with another objection after that, then you know that they use that objection as a way out and you will have to continue to question to get to the root of their real reason as to why they will not join you.

Alright, leave me some comments and let me know what you think.

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